The Momentum Network

The Momentum Network is a 5-session training specialized for pastors and planters wanting to ignite momentum in their churches and ministries. When you have IT, everything is awesome. When you lose IT, it feels like everything is going wrong. The momentum sessions will help you evaluate the potential barriers or lids and maximize the opportunities in front of you. It will also give you new tools for reaching and developing the people God brings to your church.

Momentum sessions are primarily taught by Andy Wood.

What’s the investment?

$150 per training day or $650 one-time payment for the 5 trainings + resources.

What Do You Receive?

  • Coaching from Andy Wood at training sessions
  • Outlines, documents, and training material related to monthly topics.
  • Access to sermon resources, series graphics, and videos from Echo.Church.
  • Interaction with dozens of planters and pastors through our private Frontline Facebook Group.
  • Access to the Echo.Church staff team by appointment.

Content of Sessions:

  • Spiritual Momentum. How to align with God and His favor.
  • Personal Momentum. How to gain traction with your personal life.
  • Evangelistic Momentum. How to reach more people who are far from God.
  • Leadership Momentum. How to develop an intentional leadership development pipeline.
  • Financial Momentum. How to make sure you have the resources for the vision.
  • Small Groups Momentum. How to connect more people in life-giving groups.
  • Volunteer Momentum. How to recruit, mobilize, and motivate people to serve.
  • Structural Momentum. How to align your structures for greater impact.
  • Discipleship Momentum. How to create a clear path for spiritual growth.
  • Family Ministry Momentum. How to align and grow your ministry to kids and students.
  • Worship Experience Momentum. How to craft environments for people to encounter God.
  • Sustaining Momentum. How to stay ahead of growth and overcome growth barriers.